
1 - 主要的表达方式
汉语 英语
🔊 你好 🔊 Hello
🔊 晚上好 🔊 Good evening
🔊 再见 🔊 Goodbye
🔊 回头见 🔊 See you later
🔊 是 🔊 Yes
🔊 不是 🔊 No
🔊 请 🔊 Please!
🔊 谢谢 🔊 Thanks
🔊 非常感谢! 🔊 Thanks a lot
🔊 谢谢您的帮助 🔊 Thank you for your help
🔊 没关系 🔊 Don't mention it
🔊 好 🔊 Ok
🔊 多少钱? 🔊 How much is it?
🔊 对不起! 🔊 Sorry!
🔊 我不懂 🔊 I don't understand
🔊 我懂了 🔊 I get it
🔊 我不知道 🔊 I don't know
🔊 禁止 🔊 Forbidden
🔊 请问洗手间在哪里? 🔊 Excuse me, where are the toilets?
🔊 新年好! 🔊 Happy New Year!
🔊 生日快乐! 🔊 Happy birthday!
🔊 节日快乐! 🔊 Happy holiday!
🔊 祝贺您! 🔊 Congratulations!
2 - 对话
汉语 英语
🔊 你好。最近怎么样? 🔊 Hello. How are you?
🔊 我很好,谢谢。 🔊 Hello. I'm fine, thank you
🔊 你会说英语吗? 🔊 Do you speak English?
🔊 不, 我不会说英语 🔊 No, I don't speak English
🔊 仅仅一点点 🔊 Only a little bit
🔊 你来自哪个国家? 🔊 Where do you come from?
🔊 你持有哪国国籍? 🔊 What is your nationality?
🔊 我是中国人 🔊 I am Chinese
🔊 你住在这里吗? 🔊 And you, do you live here?
🔊 对,我住在这里 🔊 Yes, I live here
🔊 我叫萨拉,你呢? 🔊 My name is Sarah, what's your name?
🔊 我叫朱力安 🔊 Julian
🔊 你在这里干什么? 🔊 What are you doing here?
🔊 我在休假 🔊 I am on holiday
🔊 我们在休假 🔊 We are on holiday
🔊 我在出差 🔊 I am on a business trip
🔊 我在这里工作 🔊 I work here
🔊 我们在这里工作 🔊 We work here
🔊 哪里有比较好的餐厅? 🔊 Where are the good places to go out and eat?
🔊 附近有博物馆吗? 🔊 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood?
🔊 到哪里能上网? 🔊 Where could I get an internet connection?
3 - 学习
汉语 英语
🔊 我懂了 🔊 I get it
🔊 你想学一点词汇吗? 🔊 Do you want to learn a few words?
🔊 好的! 🔊 Yes, sure!
🔊 这个怎么称呼? 🔊 What's this called?
🔊 这是一张桌子 🔊 It's a table
🔊 桌子,你懂吗? 🔊 A table. Do you understand?
🔊 请你重复一遍,好吗? 🔊 Can you repeat please?
🔊 你能说得慢一点吗? 🔊 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ?
🔊 你能写下来吗? 🔊 Could you write it down, please?
4 - 颜色
汉语 英语
🔊 我很喜欢这张桌子的颜色 🔊 I like the colour of this table
🔊 这是红色的 🔊 It's red
🔊 蓝色 🔊 Blue
🔊 黄色 🔊 Yellow
🔊 白色 🔊 White
🔊 黑色 🔊 Black
🔊 绿色 🔊 Green
🔊 橙色 🔊 Orange
🔊 紫色 🔊 Purple
🔊 灰色 🔊 Grey
5 - 数字
汉语 英语
🔊 零 🔊 Zero
🔊 一 🔊 One
🔊 二 🔊 Two
🔊 三 🔊 Three
🔊 四 🔊 Four
🔊 五 🔊 Five
🔊 六 🔊 Six
🔊 七 🔊 Seven
🔊 八 🔊 Eight
🔊 九 🔊 Nine
🔊 十 🔊 Ten
🔊 十一 🔊 Eleven
🔊 十二 🔊 Twelve
🔊 十三 🔊 Thirteen
🔊 十四 🔊 Fourteen
🔊 十五 🔊 Fifteen
🔊 十六 🔊 Sixteen
🔊 十七 🔊 Seventeen
🔊 十八 🔊 Eighteen
🔊 十九 🔊 Nineteen
🔊 二十 🔊 Twenty
🔊 二十一 🔊 Twenty-one
🔊 二十二 🔊 Twenty-two
🔊 二十三 🔊 Twenty-three
🔊 二十四 🔊 Twenty-four
🔊 二十五 🔊 Twenty-five
🔊 二十六 🔊 Twenty-six
🔊 二十七 🔊 Twenty-seven
🔊 二十八 🔊 Twenty-eight
🔊 二十九 🔊 Twenty-nine
🔊 三十 🔊 Thirty
🔊 三十一 🔊 Thirty-one
🔊 三十二 🔊 Thirty-two
🔊 三十三 🔊 Thirty-three
🔊 三十四 🔊 Thirty-four
🔊 三十五 🔊 Thirty-five
🔊 三十六 🔊 Thirty-six
🔊 四十 🔊 Forty
🔊 五十 🔊 Fifty
🔊 六十 🔊 Sixty
🔊 七十 🔊 Seventy
🔊 八十 🔊 Eighty
🔊 九十 🔊 Ninety
🔊 一百 🔊 One hundred
🔊 一百零五 🔊 A hundred and five
🔊 二百 🔊 Two hundred
🔊 三百 🔊 Three hundred
🔊 四百 🔊 Four hundred
🔊 一千 🔊 A thousand
🔊 一千五百 🔊 A thousand five hundred
🔊 二千 🔊 Two thousand
🔊 一万 🔊 Ten thousand
6 - 时态参考标记
汉语 英语
🔊 你什么时候到的? 🔊 When did you get here?
🔊 今天 🔊 Today
🔊 昨天 🔊 Yesterday
🔊 两天前 🔊 Two days ago
🔊 你呆多久呢? 🔊 How long are you staying for?
🔊 我明天走 🔊 I'm leaving tomorrow
🔊 我后天走 🔊 I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow
🔊 我三天后走 🔊 I'll be leaving in three days
🔊 星期一 🔊 Monday
🔊 星期二 🔊 Tuesday
🔊 星期三 🔊 Wednesday
🔊 星期四 🔊 Thursday
🔊 星期五 🔊 Friday
🔊 星期六 🔊 Saturday
🔊 星期天 🔊 Sunday
🔊 1月 🔊 January
🔊 2月 🔊 February
🔊 3月 🔊 March
🔊 4月 🔊 April
🔊 5月 🔊 May
🔊 6月 🔊 June
🔊 7月 🔊 July
🔊 8月 🔊 August
🔊 9月 🔊 September
🔊 10月 🔊 October
🔊 11月 🔊 November
🔊 12月 🔊 December
🔊 你几点出发? 🔊 What time are you leaving at?
🔊 早晨...八点 🔊 Morning, at eight o'clock
🔊 早晨... 八点十五分 🔊 Morning, at a quarter past 8
🔊 早晨... 八点三十分 🔊 Morning, at half past 8
🔊 早晨... 八点四十五分 🔊 Morning, at a quarter to nine
🔊 晚上... 十八点 🔊 Evening, at 6pm
🔊 我迟到了 🔊 I am late
7 - 出租车
汉语 英语
🔊 出租车! 🔊 Taxi!
🔊 你到哪里去? 🔊 Where would you like to go?
🔊 我去火车站 🔊 I'm going to the train station
🔊 我要去日夜旅馆 🔊 I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel
🔊 您能送我去机场吗? 🔊 Can you take me to the airport, please?
🔊 您能帮我提行李吗? 🔊 Can you take my luggage?
🔊 离这儿远吗? 🔊 Is it far from here?
🔊 不远,就在旁边 🔊 No it's close
🔊 有一点儿远 🔊 Yes it's a little bit further away
🔊 多少钱? 🔊 How much will it be?
🔊 请送我去这里 🔊 Take me there, please
🔊 朝右边 🔊 You go right
🔊 朝左边 🔊 You go left
🔊 笔直走 🔊 It's straight on
🔊 到了 🔊 It's right here
🔊 在那儿 🔊 It's that way
🔊 停! 🔊 Stop!
🔊 慢慢来别着急 🔊 Take your time
🔊 您能给我开张发票吗? 🔊 Can I have a receipt, please?
8 - 家庭
汉语 英语
🔊 你这儿有亲戚吗? 🔊 Do you have family here?
🔊 我的父亲 🔊 My father
🔊 我的母亲 🔊 My mother
🔊 我的儿子 🔊 My son
🔊 我的女儿 🔊 My daughter
🔊 一个哥哥 🔊 A brother
🔊 一个姐姐 🔊 a sister
🔊 一个朋友 🔊 a friend
🔊 一个朋友 🔊 a friend
🔊 我的男朋友 🔊 My boyfriend
🔊 我的女朋友 🔊 My girlfriend
🔊 我的丈夫 🔊 My husband
🔊 我的妻子 🔊 My wife
9 - 情感
汉语 英语
🔊 我很喜欢你的国家 🔊 I really like your country
🔊 我喜欢你 🔊 I love you
🔊 我很幸福 🔊 I am happy
🔊 我很难过 🔊 I am sad
🔊 我在这里感觉很好 🔊 I feel great here
🔊 我很冷 🔊 I am cold
🔊 我很热 🔊 I am hot
🔊 太大了 🔊 It's too big
🔊 太小了 🔊 It's too small
🔊 非常好 🔊 It's perfect
🔊 今晚你想出去吗? 🔊 Do you want to go out tonight?
🔊 我今晚想出去 🔊 I would like to go out tonight
🔊 这是个好主意 🔊 It is a good idea
🔊 我想好好玩玩 🔊 I want to have fun
🔊 这不是个好主意 🔊 It is not a good idea
🔊 今晚我不想出去 🔊 I don't want to go out tonight
🔊 我想休息 🔊 I want to rest
🔊 你想做运动吗? 🔊 Would you like to do some sport?
🔊 是的,我想好好放松一下! 🔊 Yes, I need to relax
🔊 我打网球 🔊 I play tennis
🔊 不,谢谢,我很累 🔊 No thanks. I am tired already
10 - 酒吧
汉语 英语
🔊 酒吧 🔊 The bar
🔊 你要不要喝点什么? 🔊 Would you like to have a drink?
🔊 喝 🔊 To drink
🔊 杯子 🔊 Glass
🔊 好的,谢谢 🔊 With pleasure
🔊 你喝什么? 🔊 What would you like?
🔊 有些什么可以喝的? 🔊 What's on offer?
🔊 有矿泉水,还有果汁 🔊 There is water or fruit juices
🔊 水 🔊 Water
🔊 能加点冰块吗? 🔊 Can you add some ice cubes, please?
🔊 冰块 🔊 Ice cubes
🔊 巧克力 🔊 Chocolate
🔊 牛奶 🔊 Milk
🔊 茶 🔊 Tea
🔊 咖啡 🔊 Coffee
🔊 加糖 🔊 With sugar
🔊 加奶油 🔊 With cream
🔊 葡萄酒 🔊 Wine
🔊 啤酒 🔊 Beer
🔊 请给我一杯茶 🔊 A tea please
🔊 请给我一杯啤酒 🔊 A beer please
🔊 您想要喝什么? 🔊 What would you like to drink?
🔊 请给我两杯茶 🔊 Two teas please!
🔊 请给我两杯啤酒 🔊 Two beers please!
🔊 什么也不用,谢谢 🔊 Nothing, thanks
🔊 干杯 🔊 Cheers!
🔊 为健康干杯! 🔊 Cheers!
🔊 我要买单 🔊 Can we have the bill please?
🔊 一共多少钱? 🔊 Excuse me, how much do I owe?
🔊 二十欧元 🔊 Twenty euros
🔊 我请你 🔊 It's on me
11 - 饭店
汉语 英语
🔊 餐馆 🔊 The restaurant
🔊 你想吃点东西吗? 🔊 Would you like to eat?
🔊 是的,我想吃点东西 🔊 Yes, with pleasure
🔊 吃饭 🔊 To eat
🔊 我们到哪里去吃饭? 🔊 Where can we eat?
🔊 我们到哪里去吃午饭? 🔊 Where can we have lunch?
🔊 晚餐 🔊 Dinner
🔊 早餐 🔊 Breakfast
🔊 对不起,打扰一下! 🔊 Excuse me!
🔊 请给我菜单 🔊 The menu, please
🔊 这是菜单! 🔊 Here is the menu
🔊 你喜欢吃什么?肉还是鱼? 🔊 What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish?
🔊 再加饭 🔊 With rice
🔊 再加意大利面 🔊 With pasta
🔊 土豆 🔊 Potatoes
🔊 蔬菜 🔊 Vegetables
🔊 炒蛋-荷包蛋-还是白煮蛋? 🔊 Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg
🔊 面包 🔊 Bread
🔊 黄油 🔊 Butter
🔊 一份色拉 🔊 Salad
🔊 一份甜点 🔊 Dessert
🔊 水果 🔊 Fruit
🔊 请问您有刀吗? 🔊 Can I have a knife, please?
🔊 有,我马上去拿 🔊 Yes, I'll bring it to you right away
🔊 刀 🔊 a knife
🔊 叉 🔊 a fork
🔊 勺子 🔊 a spoon
🔊 这是热菜吗? 🔊 Is it a warm dish?
🔊 是的,而且很辣! 🔊 Yes, very hot also!
🔊 热 🔊 Warm
🔊 冷 🔊 Cold
🔊 辣 🔊 Hot
🔊 我要一份鱼! 🔊 I'll have fish
🔊 我也一样 🔊 Me too
12 - 离开
汉语 英语
🔊 天晚了!我要走了! 🔊 It's late, I have to go!
🔊 我们能再见面吗? 🔊 Shall we meet again?
🔊 当然,我非常愿意 🔊 Yes with pleasure
🔊 这是我的住址 🔊 This is my address
🔊 有没有电话号码? 🔊 Do you have a phone number?
🔊 有,在这里 🔊 Yes here you go
🔊 和你过得非常愉快 🔊 I had a lovely time
🔊 我也是,很高兴认识你 🔊 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you
🔊 希望我们不久能再相见 🔊 We will see each other soon
🔊 我也希望是这样 🔊 I hope so too
🔊 再见! 🔊 Goodbye
🔊 明天见! 🔊 See you tomorrow
🔊 再见! 🔊 Bye!
13 - 交通
汉语 英语
🔊 谢谢 🔊 Thanks
🔊 对不起!你知道汽车站在哪里吗 🔊 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop
🔊 请问到太阳城的车票价格是多少? 🔊 How much is a ticket to Sun City? 
🔊 请问这列火车去什么地方? 🔊 Where does this train go, please? 
🔊 这列火车在太阳城停吗? 🔊 Does this train stop at Sun City? 
🔊 去太阳城的火车什么时候开? 🔊 When does the train for Sun City leave? 
🔊 去太阳城的火车什么时候到? 🔊 When will this train arrive in Sun City? 
🔊 我要一张去太阳城的票 🔊 A ticket for Sun City, please
🔊 您有列车时刻表吗? 🔊 Do you have the train's time table?
🔊 汽车时刻表 🔊 Bus schedule
🔊 请问哪列火车是去太阳城的? 🔊 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City?
🔊 就是这列 🔊 This one
🔊 不客气,祝您旅途愉快 🔊 Don't mention it, have a good trip!
🔊 修车库 🔊 The garage
🔊 加油站 🔊 The petrol station
🔊 请给我油箱加满 🔊 A full tank, please
🔊 自行车 🔊 Bike
🔊 市中心 🔊 Town centre
🔊 郊区 🔊 Suburb
🔊 这是个大城市 🔊 It is a city
🔊 这是个村庄 🔊 It is a village
🔊 一座山 🔊 A mountain
🔊 一条湖 🔊 a lake
🔊 乡村 🔊 The countryside
14 - 宾馆
汉语 英语
🔊 酒店 🔊 The hotel
🔊 公寓 🔊 Apartment
🔊 欢迎 🔊 Welcome!
🔊 您这儿有空房间吗? 🔊 Do you have a room available?
🔊 房间带浴室吗? 🔊 Is there a bathroom in the room?
🔊 您更喜欢二张单人床吗? 🔊 Would you prefer two single beds?
🔊 您想要双人房吗? 🔊 Do you wish to have a twin room?
🔊 房间带盆浴 - 带阳台- 带淋浴 🔊 A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower
🔊 住宿加早餐 🔊 Bed and breakfast
🔊 住一晚多少钱? 🔊 How much is it for a night?
🔊 我想先看看房间! 🔊 I would like to see the room first
🔊 当然可以! 🔊 Yes, of course
🔊 谢谢。房间非常不错。 🔊 Thank you, the room is very nice
🔊 好,我能定今晚的房间吗? 🔊 OK, can I reserve for tonight?
🔊 太贵了,谢谢。 🔊 It's a bit too much for me, thank you
🔊 请您照管一下我的行李,可以吗? 🔊 Could you take care of my luggage, please?
🔊 我的房间在哪里? 🔊 Where is my room, please?
🔊 在二楼 🔊 It is on the first floor
🔊 有电梯吗? 🔊 Is there a lift?
🔊 电梯在您的左边 🔊 The elevator is on your left
🔊 电梯在您的右边 🔊 The elevator is on your right
🔊 洗衣房在哪里? 🔊 Where is the laundry room, please?
🔊 在底楼 🔊 It is on the ground floor
🔊 底楼 🔊 Ground floor
🔊 房间 🔊 Bedroom
🔊 干洗店 🔊 Dry cleaner's
🔊 美发厅 🔊 Hair salon
🔊 停车场 🔊 Car parking space
🔊 我们在会议室见? 🔊 Let's meet in the meeting room?
🔊 会议室 🔊 Meeting room
🔊 游泳池的暖气开了 🔊 The swimming pool is heated
🔊 游泳池 🔊 Swimming pool
🔊 请7点叫醒我 🔊 Please, wake me up at seven a.m.
🔊 请给我钥匙 🔊 The key, please
🔊 请给我房卡 🔊 The pass, please
🔊 有我的留言吗? 🔊 Are there any messages for me?
🔊 有,在这里 🔊 Yes, here you are
🔊 没有 🔊 No, we didn't receive anything for you
🔊 在哪里能兑换零钱? 🔊 Where can I get some change?
🔊 您能给我换些零钱吗? 🔊 Please can you give me some change?
🔊 行,您需要换多少? 🔊 We can make some for you, how much would you like?
15 - 找人
汉语 英语
🔊 请问萨拉在吗? 🔊 Excuse me, is Sarah here?
🔊 是的,她在 🔊 Yes, she's here
🔊 她出去了 🔊 She's out
🔊 您可以打她的手机 🔊 You can call her on her mobile phone
🔊 您知道她到哪儿去了吗? 🔊 Do you know where I could find her?
🔊 她在上班 🔊 She is at work
🔊 她在家 🔊 She is at home
🔊 请问朱利安在吗? 🔊 Excuse me, is Julien here?
🔊 是的,他在 🔊 Yes, he's here
🔊 他出去了 🔊 He's out
🔊 您知道他到哪儿去了吗? 🔊 Do you know where I could find him?
🔊 您可以打他的手机 🔊 You can call him on his mobile phone
🔊 他在上班 🔊 He is at work
🔊 他在家 🔊 He is at home
16 - 海滩
汉语 英语
🔊 海滩 🔊 The beach
🔊 您知道在哪里能买足球吗? 🔊 Do you know where I can buy a ball?
🔊 往这个方向走会有一家店 🔊 There is a store in this direction
🔊 足球 🔊 a ball
🔊 望远镜 🔊 Binoculars
🔊 太阳帽 🔊 a cap
🔊 浴巾 🔊 a towel
🔊 拖鞋 🔊 Sandals
🔊 塑料桶 🔊 a bucket
🔊 防晒霜 🔊 Suntan lotion
🔊 游泳裤 🔊 Swimming trunks
🔊 太阳眼镜 🔊 Sunglasses
🔊 贝壳类 🔊 Shellfish
🔊 太阳浴 🔊 Sunbathing
🔊 阳光明媚 🔊 Sunny
🔊 日落 🔊 Sunset
🔊 遮阳伞 🔊 Parasol
🔊 太阳 🔊 Sun
🔊 影子 🔊 Sunshade
🔊 中暑 🔊 Sunstroke
🔊 这里游泳危险吗? 🔊 Is it dangerous to swim here?
🔊 不,不危险 🔊 No, it is not dangerous
🔊 对,这里禁止游泳 🔊 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here
🔊 游泳 🔊 Swim
🔊 游泳 🔊 Swimming
🔊 海浪 🔊 Wave
🔊 大海 🔊 Sea
🔊 沙丘 🔊 Dune
🔊 沙 🔊 Sand
🔊 明天天气如何? 🔊 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
🔊 天气要变了 🔊 The weather is going to change
🔊 要下雨 🔊 It is going to rain
🔊 要出太阳 🔊 It will be sunny
🔊 要刮大风 🔊 It will be very windy
🔊 游泳衣 🔊 Swimming suit
17 - 如有疑问
汉语 英语
🔊 能帮我一下吗? 🔊 Can you help me, please?
🔊 我迷路了 🔊 I'm lost
🔊 您需要帮忙吗? 🔊 What would you like?
🔊 发生了什么事? 🔊 What happened?
🔊 在哪里能找到翻译? 🔊 Where could I find an interpreter?
🔊 最近的药房在哪里? 🔊 Where is the nearest chemist's shop?
🔊 请问您能帮我找个医生吗? 🔊 Can you call a doctor, please
🔊 目前您正接受什么治疗? 🔊 Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment?
🔊 一所医院 🔊 a hospital
🔊 一家药房 🔊 a chemist's
🔊 一位医生 🔊 a doctor
🔊 医疗服务 🔊 Medical department
🔊 我的证件丢了 🔊 I lost my papers
🔊 我的证件被偷了 🔊 My papers have been stolen
🔊 失物招领处 🔊 Lost-property office
🔊 医务室 🔊 First-aid station
🔊 紧急出口 🔊 Emergency exit
🔊 警察局 🔊 The police
🔊 身份证件 🔊 Papers
🔊 钱 🔊 Money
🔊 护照 🔊 Passport
🔊 行李 🔊 Luggage
🔊 不用了,谢谢你 🔊 I'm ok, thanks
🔊 别烦我! 🔊 Leave me alone!
🔊 走开! 🔊 Go away!


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