Vocabulary in Walloon for beginners and travellers

I. Origin of Walloon Vocabulary

Walloon is a Romance language spoken primarily in Wallonia, the French-speaking part of Belgium. The Walloon vocabulary comes mainly from Vulgar Latin, just like other Romance languages, such as French, Spanish or Italian. However, Walloon has also been influenced by Germanic, due to the region's proximity to German-speaking countries, as well as by French, the official language of Belgium.

II. Special sounds

Walloon has a distinct phonology, with sounds that differ from those of standard French. Among the most notable Walloon consonants are "dj" (ʒ) and "ch" (ʃ). Walloon also uses diphthongs, which are combinations of two vowels pronounced in a single syllable. The tonic accent in Walloon is usually placed on the last syllable of words.

III. Common usage situations

Walloon is spoken by about 600,000 people in Wallonia and parts of France and Luxembourg. Situations of common use of Walloon include everyday communication, business, tourism, literature, poetry, music, and visual arts. Walloons are proud of their language and appreciate the efforts of visitors to learn a few words and phrases in Walloon.

IV. Using audio to learn Walloon vocabulary

Audio can help improve your pronunciation and listening comprehension. Listening to native speakers of Walloon pronounce words and phrases can help you understand how the sounds of the language are produced and how words are linked together in natural speech. In addition, learning Walloon vocabulary with audio can help you learn idioms and common phrases used in specific contexts. Audio can be used as a convenient way to study Walloon vocabulary while on the go.

V. Some good resources for immersing yourself in Walloon culture


  • The Conveyors Are Waiting (1999) - Directed by Benoît Mariage, this Belgian film in French and Walloon follows the story of a father who pushes his son to break the world record for opening car doors.
  • Toto le héros (1991) - Directed by Jaco Van Dormael, this Belgian film tells the story of a man who is convinced he was switched at birth with his neighbor.

Walloon cinema is marked by social realism, such as the films of the Dardenne brothers (La Promesse, Rosetta, Le Fils, L'Enfant, etc.) or Les convoyeurs attendent by Benoît Mariage. These films feature characters facing precariousness, violence or exclusion in urban or rural contexts. You can also watch lighter or more poetic films, such as Fabrice Du Welz's Calvaire, Bouli Lanners' Eldorado, or Jaco Van Dormael's Le Tout Nouveau Testament.


  • Julos Beaucarne - a Belgian singer and poet, who sings in French and Walloon.
  • Urban Trad - a Belgian music group that represented Belgium at Eurovision in 2003 with the song "Sanomi", sung in an imaginary language with Walloon influences.

Walloon music is very varied and lively, mixing traditional and modern influences. You can listen to groups like Les Gauff', who sing humorous and committed songs in Walloon, or Puggy, who sing pop-rock songs in English. You can also discover more original artists like Saule, who fuses rock with French song, or Stromae, who mixes electronic music with rap and variety.


  • Ås Rokes di Nameur by Joseph Dufrane - This collection of poems in Walloon presents the Walloon language and culture through various themes.
  • Les Contes wallons by Charles Deulin - A collection of traditional Walloon tales written in French, but preserving the essence and atmosphere of Walloon culture.

To discover Walloon literature, you can visit the website of the Walloon-Brussels Federation, which offers a selection of authors and works in the Walloon language.

Walloon literature is old and prestigious, dating back to the Middle Ages with texts such as the Cantilène de sainte Eulalie, the first literary text in the Romance language. You can read works such as Les Aventures de Renart le Goupil, a collection of satirical stories featuring anthropomorphic animals. You can also read modern authors such as Georges Simenon, who wrote detective stories featuring the famous commissioner Maigret. You can also read contemporary authors such as Amélie Nothomb, who has published several successful novels inspired by her life or imagination.

VI. Here's a selection of 400 useful words and phrases to get you started

These words and phrases are organized by theme. By clicking on the course button, you will be taken to a complete learning tool for this content.

Clicking on the "printer" button will allow you to print all the expressions in the theme and download the sounds.

1 - Essentials
English Walloon
🔊 Hello 🔊 Bondjou
🔊 Good evening 🔊 Bone nut'
🔊 Good evening 🔊 Bonut'
🔊 Goodbye 🔊 Å r'vèy
🔊 See you later 🔊 Disqu'a pus tård
🔊 See you later 🔊 (Disqu')a tot-rade
🔊 Yes 🔊 Awè
🔊 No 🔊 Nèni
🔊 No 🔊 Nonna
🔊 Please! 🔊 S'i-v' plêt !
🔊 Thanks 🔊 Mèrci
🔊 Thanks a lot 🔊 Mèrci bråmint dès côps !
🔊 Thank you for your help 🔊 Mèrci po vosse côp di spale !
🔊 Don't mention it 🔊 Ci n'èst rin d' çoula
🔊 Don't mention it 🔊 çoula n' våt nin lès ponnes
🔊 Ok 🔊 D'acwérd
🔊 How much is it? 🔊 Kibin çoula costêye-t-i ?
🔊 Sorry! 🔊 Pardon !
🔊 I don't understand 🔊 Dji n' comprind nin
🔊 I get it 🔊 Dj'a compris
🔊 I don't know 🔊 Dji n' sé nin
🔊 Forbidden 🔊 Disfindou
🔊 Excuse me, where are the toilets? 🔊 Wice sont-i lès cabinèts, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Happy New Year! 🔊 Bone annêye !
🔊 Happy birthday! 🔊 Bonès-annêyes !
🔊 Happy holiday! 🔊 Djoyeûsès fièsses !
🔊 Congratulations! 🔊 Proféciyat´ !
🔊 Congratulations! 🔊 Complumints
2 - Conversation
English Walloon
🔊 Hello. How are you? 🔊 Bondjou. Kimint va-t-i ?
🔊 Hello. How are you? 🔊 Qué novèles ?
🔊 Hello. I'm fine, thank you 🔊 Bondjou. ça va bin, mèrci.
🔊 Only a little bit 🔊 Seûl'mint on tot p'tit pô
🔊 Where do you come from? 🔊 Di qué payis vinez-v' ?
🔊 What is your nationality? 🔊 Di quéne nåcionålité èstez-v' ?
🔊 I am English 🔊 
🔊 And you, do you live here? 🔊 Èt vos, vikez-v' chal ?
🔊 Yes, I live here 🔊 Awè, dji vike chal
🔊 My name is Sarah, what's your name? 🔊 On m' lome Sarah, èt vos ?
🔊 Julian 🔊 Djulyin
🔊 What are you doing here? 🔊 Qui fez-v' chal ?
🔊 I am on holiday 🔊 Dj'a pris dès condjîs
🔊 We are on holiday 🔊 Nos-avans condjî
🔊 I am on a business trip 🔊 Dji voyèdje po l'ovrèdje
🔊 I work here 🔊 Dj'ouveure chal
🔊 We work here 🔊 Nos-ovrans chal
🔊 Where are the good places to go out and eat? 🔊 Wice pout-on bin magnî ?
🔊 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? 🔊 N'a-t-i on mûzêye tot a costé ?
🔊 Where could I get an internet connection? 🔊 Wice poreû-dj' trover ine conècsion so l' Teûle ?
3 - Learning
English Walloon
🔊 I don't understand 🔊 Dji n' comprind nin
🔊 Do you want to learn a few words? 🔊 Volez-v' aprinde on pô dè vocabulêre ?
🔊 Yes, sure! 🔊 Awè, d'acwérd !
🔊 What's this called? 🔊 Kimint loume-t-on çoula ?
🔊 It's a table 🔊 C'è-st-ine tåve
🔊 A table. Do you understand? 🔊 Ine tåve, comprindez-v' ?
🔊 Can you repeat please? 🔊 Polez-v' rèpèter, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? 🔊 Polez-v' djåzer on pô pus doûcemint ?
🔊 Could you write it down, please? 🔊 Porîz-v' èl sicrîre, si-v' plêt ?
4 - Colours
English Walloon
🔊 I like the colour of this table 🔊 Dj'inme bin li coleûr di cisse tåve
🔊 It's red 🔊 C'èst dè rodje
🔊 Blue 🔊 Bleû
🔊 Yellow 🔊 Djène
🔊 White 🔊 Blanc
🔊 Black 🔊 Neûr
🔊 Green 🔊 Vért
🔊 Orange 🔊 Oranje
🔊 Purple 🔊 Violèt
🔊 Grey 🔊 Gris
5 - Numbers
English Walloon
🔊 Zero 🔊 Zérô
🔊 One 🔊 Eune
🔊 Two 🔊 Deûs
🔊 Three 🔊 Treûs
🔊 Four 🔊 Qwate
🔊 Five 🔊 Cinq
🔊 Six 🔊 Sîh
🔊 Seven 🔊 Sèt'
🔊 Eight 🔊 Ût'
🔊 Nine 🔊 Noûf
🔊 Ten 🔊 Dîh
🔊 Eleven 🔊 Onze
🔊 Twelve 🔊 Doze
🔊 Thirteen 🔊 Traze
🔊 Fourteen 🔊 Catwaze
🔊 Fifteen 🔊 Qwinze
🔊 Sixteen 🔊 Saze
🔊 Seventeen 🔊 Dî-sèt'
🔊 Eighteen 🔊 Dî-ût'
🔊 Nineteen 🔊 Dîh-noûf
🔊 Twenty 🔊 Vint'
🔊 Twenty-one 🔊 Vint-onk
🔊 Twenty-two 🔊 Vint'-deûs
🔊 Twenty-three 🔊 Vint'-treûs
🔊 Twenty-four 🔊 Vint'-qwate
🔊 Twenty-five 🔊 Vint'-cinq'
🔊 Twenty-six 🔊 Vint'-sîh
🔊 Twenty-seven 🔊 Vint'-sèt'
🔊 Twenty-eight 🔊 Vint'-ût'
🔊 Twenty-nine 🔊 Vint'-noûf
🔊 Thirty 🔊 Trinte
🔊 Thirty-one 🔊 Trinte-onk
🔊 Thirty-two 🔊 Trinte-deûs
🔊 Thirty-three 🔊 Trinte-treûs
🔊 Thirty-four 🔊 Trinte-qwate
🔊 Thirty-five 🔊 Trinte-cinq'
🔊 Thirty-six 🔊 Trinte-sîh
🔊 Forty 🔊 Quarante
🔊 Fifty 🔊 Cinquante
🔊 Sixty 🔊 Swèssante
🔊 Seventy 🔊 Sèptante
🔊 Eighty 🔊 Quatrè-vints
🔊 Eighty 🔊 ûtante
🔊 Ninety 🔊 Nonante
🔊 One hundred 🔊 Cint'
🔊 A hundred and five 🔊 Cint-èt-cinq'
🔊 Two hundred 🔊 Deûs cints
🔊 Three hundred 🔊 Treûs cints
🔊 Four hundred 🔊 Qwate cints
🔊 A thousand 🔊 Mèye
🔊 A thousand five hundred 🔊 Mèye cinq cints
🔊 Two thousand 🔊 Deûs mèyes
🔊 Ten thousand 🔊 Dî mèyes
6 - Time tracking
English Walloon
🔊 When did you get here? 🔊 Qwand avez-v' arivé chal ?
🔊 Today 🔊 Oûy
🔊 Yesterday 🔊 Îr
🔊 Two days ago 🔊 I-n-a deûs djoûs
🔊 How long are you staying for? 🔊 Kibin d' timps dimanez-v' ?
🔊 I'm leaving tomorrow 🔊 Dj'ènnè r'va d'min
🔊 I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow 🔊 Dj'ènnè r'va après-d'min
🔊 I'll be leaving in three days 🔊 Dj'ènnè r'va divins treûs djoûs
🔊 Monday 🔊 Londi
🔊 Tuesday 🔊 Mårdi
🔊 Wednesday 🔊 Mérkidi
🔊 Thursday 🔊 Djûdi
🔊 Friday 🔊 Vinr'di
🔊 Saturday 🔊 Sèmedi
🔊 Sunday 🔊 Dimègne
🔊 January 🔊 Djanvîr
🔊 February 🔊 Févrîr
🔊 March 🔊 Mås'
🔊 April 🔊 Avri
🔊 May 🔊 May
🔊 June 🔊 Djun
🔊 July 🔊 Djulèt'
🔊 August 🔊 Awous'
🔊 September 🔊 Sètimbe
🔊 October 🔊 Octôbe
🔊 November 🔊 Nôvimbe
🔊 December 🔊 Décimbe
🔊 What time are you leaving at? 🔊 A quéne eûre ènn' alez-v' ?
🔊 Morning, at eight o'clock 🔊 L'å-matin, a ût eûres
🔊 Morning, at a quarter past 8 🔊 L'å-matin, a ût eûres on qwårt
🔊 Morning, at half past 8 🔊 L'å-matin, a ût eûres èt d'mèye
🔊 Morning, at a quarter to nine 🔊 L'å-matin, a qwårt po noûf
🔊 Evening, at 6pm 🔊 Al' nut', a sîh eûres
🔊 I am late 🔊 Dji so tådrou
7 - Taxi
English Walloon
🔊 Taxi! 🔊 Tacsi !
🔊 Where would you like to go? 🔊 Wice volez-v' aler ?
🔊 I'm going to the train station 🔊 Dji va al gåre
🔊 I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel 🔊 Dji va a l'ôtél Djoû èt Nut'
🔊 Can you take me to the airport, please? 🔊 Mi pôrîz-v' miner al arèyopôrt ?
🔊 Can you take my luggage? 🔊 Polez-v' prinde mès bagadjes ?
🔊 Is it far from here? 🔊 Èst-ce lon di d' chal ?
🔊 No it's close 🔊 Nèni, c'èst tot à costé
🔊 Yes it's a little bit further away 🔊 Awè, c'è-st-on pô pus lon
🔊 How much will it be? 🔊 Kibin çoula va-t-i coster ?
🔊 Take me there, please 🔊 Minez-m' chal si-v' plêt
🔊 You go right 🔊 C'è-st-a dreûte
🔊 You go left 🔊 C'è-st-a hintche
🔊 It's straight on 🔊 C'èst tot dreût
🔊 It's right here 🔊 C'èst chal
🔊 It's that way 🔊 C'èst tot la
🔊 Stop! 🔊 Arèstez-v' !
🔊 Take your time 🔊 Prindez vosse timps
🔊 Can I have a receipt, please? 🔊 Mi polez-v' fé ine note si-v' plêt ?
8 - Family
English Walloon
🔊 Do you have family here? 🔊 Avez-v' dèl famile chal ?
🔊 My father 🔊 Mi pére
🔊 My father 🔊 Mi papa
🔊 My mother 🔊 Mi mére
🔊 My son 🔊 Mi fi
🔊 My daughter 🔊 Mi fèye
🔊 A brother 🔊 On fré
🔊 a sister 🔊 Ine soûr
🔊 a friend 🔊 On camaråde
🔊 a friend 🔊 Ine camaråde
🔊 My boyfriend 🔊 Mi camaråde
🔊 My girlfriend 🔊 Mi camaråde
🔊 My husband 🔊 Mi ome
🔊 My wife 🔊 Mi feume
9 - Feelings
English Walloon
🔊 I really like your country 🔊 Dj'inme bråmint vosse payis
🔊 I love you 🔊 Dji v's-inme
🔊 I love you 🔊 Dji vou veû vol'tî ; Dj'ènn' a qu' po vos
🔊 I am happy 🔊 Dji so binåhe
🔊 I am sad 🔊 Dji so-st-anoyeûs
🔊 I feel great here 🔊 Dji m' sin bin chal
🔊 I am cold 🔊 Dj'a freûd
🔊 I am hot 🔊 Dj'a tchôd
🔊 It's too big 🔊 C'èst trop grand
🔊 It's too small 🔊 C'èst trop p'tit
🔊 It's perfect 🔊 C'è-st-al lècsion
🔊 It's perfect 🔊 C'èst parfêt
🔊 Do you want to go out tonight? 🔊 Volez-v' sôrti oûy al nut' ?
🔊 I would like to go out tonight 🔊 Dj'in'mreû bin sôrti oûy al nut'
🔊 It is a good idea 🔊 C'è-st-ine bone îdêye
🔊 It is a good idea 🔊 C'è-st-ine clapante îdêye
🔊 I want to have fun 🔊 Dj'a-st-îdêye dè m' bin plêre
🔊 It is not a good idea 🔊 Ci n'èst nin ine bone îdêye
🔊 I don't want to go out tonight 🔊 Dji n'a nin îdêye dè sôrti oûy al nut'
🔊 I want to rest 🔊 Dj'a îdêye dè fé ine ahote
🔊 I want to rest 🔊 Dj'a îdêye dè m' rihaper
🔊 Would you like to do some sport? 🔊 Volez-v' fé dè spôrt ?
🔊 Yes, I need to relax 🔊 Awè, dj'a bin mèzåhe dè m' vûdî l' tièsse
🔊 I play tennis 🔊 Dji djowe å tènis'
🔊 No thanks. I am tired already 🔊 Nèni mèrci, dji so assez nåhî
🔊 No thanks. I am tired already 🔊 Nèni mèrci, dji s-st-assez nåhèye
10 - Bar
English Walloon
🔊 The bar 🔊 Li cåbarèt
🔊 The bar 🔊 Li cafè
🔊 Would you like to have a drink? 🔊 Volez-v' beûre ine saqwè ?
🔊 To drink 🔊 Beûre
🔊 Glass 🔊 On vêre
🔊 With pleasure 🔊 Vol'tî
🔊 What would you like? 🔊 Qui buvez-v' ?
🔊 What's on offer? 🔊 Qu'i-n-a-t-i a beûre ?
🔊 There is water or fruit juices 🔊 I-n-a d' l'êwe ou dès djus d' frût'
🔊 Water 🔊 Di l'êwe
🔊 Can you add some ice cubes, please? 🔊 Polez-v' mèt' dès glèçons avou, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Ice cubes 🔊 Dès glèçons
🔊 Chocolate 🔊 Dè tchocolåt
🔊 Milk 🔊 Dè lèçê
🔊 Tea 🔊 Dè té
🔊 Coffee 🔊 Dè cafè
🔊 With sugar 🔊 Avou dè souke
🔊 With cream 🔊 Avou dèl crinme
🔊 Wine 🔊 Dè vin
🔊 Beer 🔊 Dèl bîre
🔊 A tea please 🔊 On té s'i-v' plêt
🔊 A beer please 🔊 Ine bîre s'i-v' plêt
🔊 What would you like to drink? 🔊 Qui volez-v' beûre ?
🔊 Two teas please! 🔊 Deûs tés, si-v' plêt !
🔊 Two beers please! 🔊 Deûs bîres, si- v' plêt !
🔊 Nothing, thanks 🔊 Rin, mèrci
🔊 Cheers! 🔊 A l' vosse !
🔊 Cheers! 🔊 Santé !
🔊 Can we have the bill please? 🔊 L'ad'dicion, si-v' plêt !
🔊 Excuse me, how much do I owe? 🔊 Kibin v' deû-dj' si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Twenty euros 🔊 Vint eûros
🔊 It's on me 🔊 C'èst por mi !
11 - Restaurant
English Walloon
🔊 The restaurant 🔊 Li rèstaurant
🔊 Would you like to eat? 🔊 Volez-v' magnî ?
🔊 Yes, with pleasure 🔊 Awè, dji vou bin
🔊 To eat 🔊 Magnî
🔊 Where can we eat? 🔊 Wice pout-on magnî ?
🔊 Where can we have lunch? 🔊 Wice pout-on dîner ?
🔊 Dinner 🔊 Li soper
🔊 Breakfast 🔊 Li d'djunî
🔊 Excuse me! 🔊 Si-v' plêt
🔊 The menu, please 🔊 Li carte, si-v' plêt !
🔊 Here is the menu 🔊 Vochal li carte !
🔊 What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish? 🔊 Qu'inmez-v' mî dè magnî ? Dèl tchår ou bin dè pèhon ?
🔊 With rice 🔊 Avou dè riz
🔊 With pasta 🔊 Avou dès macarônîs
🔊 Potatoes 🔊 Dès crompîres
🔊 Vegetables 🔊 Dès lègumes
🔊 Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg 🔊 dès-oûs brouyés, ine fricassêye, dès-oûs so l' pêle ou dès-oûs molèts
🔊 Bread 🔊 Dè pan
🔊 Butter 🔊 Dè boure
🔊 Salad 🔊 Ine salåde
🔊 Dessert 🔊 On dèssêrt
🔊 Fruit 🔊 Dès frût'
🔊 Can I have a knife, please? 🔊 Avez-v' on coûtê, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Yes, I'll bring it to you right away 🔊 Awè, dji v' l'apwète so l' côp
🔊 a knife 🔊 On coûtê
🔊 a fork 🔊 Ine fortchète
🔊 a spoon 🔊 On cwî
🔊 Is it a warm dish? 🔊 Èst-ce qui c'èst po l' magnî tchôd ?
🔊 Yes, very hot also! 🔊 Awè, èt fwért spécî avou !
🔊 Warm 🔊 Tchôd
🔊 Cold 🔊 Freûd
🔊 Hot 🔊 Spécî
🔊 I'll have fish 🔊 Dji va prinde dè pèhon !
🔊 Me too 🔊 Mi avou
12 - Parting
English Walloon
🔊 It's late, I have to go! 🔊 Il èst tård ! Dji deû 'nn' aler !
🔊 Shall we meet again? 🔊 Nos pôrans-gn' rivèyî ?
🔊 Yes with pleasure 🔊 Awè, vol'tî !
🔊 This is my address 🔊 Dji d'mane à ciste adrèsse
🔊 Do you have a phone number? 🔊 Avez-v' on numèrô d' tèlèfone ?
🔊 Yes here you go 🔊 Awè, vo-l' chal !
🔊 I had a lovely time 🔊 Dji m'a bin plêt avou vos
🔊 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you 🔊 Mi avou, dj'a-st-avu bon di v' rèscontrer
🔊 We will see each other soon 🔊 Nos nos-alans r'vèyî bin rade
🔊 I hope so too 🔊 Dji l'èspére avou
🔊 Goodbye 🔊 Å r'vèy
🔊 See you tomorrow 🔊 Qu'à d'min
🔊 See you tomorrow 🔊 Disqu'à d'min
🔊 Bye! 🔊 Adiè !
13 - Transportation
English Walloon
🔊 Thanks 🔊 Mèrci
🔊 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop 🔊 Si-v' plêt ! Dji qwîre après l'arèt d' ôtobus'
🔊 How much is a ticket to Sun City?  🔊 Kibin costêye on bilèt po l' vèye dè Solo si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Where does this train go, please?  🔊 Wice va-t-i ci trin-chal, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Does this train stop at Sun City?  🔊 Ci trin s'arèstèye-t-i d'vins l' vèye dè Solo ?
🔊 When does the train for Sun City leave?  🔊 Qwand ènnè va-t-i li trin po l' vèye dè Solo ?
🔊 When will this train arrive in Sun City?  🔊 Qwand arive-t-i l' trin po l' vèye dè Solo ?
🔊 A ticket for Sun City, please 🔊 On bilèt po l' vèye dè Solo, si-v' plêt !
🔊 Do you have the train's time table? 🔊 Avez-v' lès-eûres dès trins ?
🔊 Bus schedule 🔊 Lès-eûres dès-ôtobus'
🔊 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? 🔊 Wice è-st-i l' trin po l' vèye dè Solo si-v' plêt ?
🔊 This one 🔊 C'èst ci-la
🔊 Don't mention it, have a good trip! 🔊 Ci n'èst rin. Bon voyèdje !
🔊 The garage 🔊 Li gårèdje
🔊 The petrol station 🔊 Li ståcion service
🔊 A full tank, please 🔊 Li plin si-v' plêt
🔊 A full tank please 🔊 A stok, si-v' plêt
🔊 Bike 🔊 Vèlo
🔊 Town centre 🔊 Li coûr dèl vèye
🔊 Suburb 🔊 Lès fåboûr
🔊 It is a city 🔊 C'è-st-ine grande vèye
🔊 It is a village 🔊 C'è-st-on vîyèdje
🔊 A mountain 🔊 Ine montagne
🔊 a lake 🔊 On lac
🔊 The countryside 🔊 Li campagne
14 - Hotel
English Walloon
🔊 The hotel 🔊 L'ôtél
🔊 Apartment 🔊 Apartumint
🔊 Welcome! 🔊 Binv'nowe !
🔊 Do you have a room available? 🔊 Avez-v' ine tchambe di lîbe ?
🔊 Is there a bathroom in the room? 🔊 N-a-t-i ine såle di bagn avou l' tchambe ?
🔊 Would you prefer two single beds? 🔊 Inmez-v' mî deûs léts d'ine djint ?
🔊 Do you wish to have a twin room? 🔊 Volez-v' ine dobe tchambe ?
🔊 A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower 🔊 Tchambe avou bagn - avou balcon - avou douche
🔊 Bed and breakfast 🔊 Tchambe avou d'djuner
🔊 How much is it for a night? 🔊 Kibin costêye ine nutêye ?
🔊 I would like to see the room first 🔊 Dji vôreû vèyî l' tchambe d'avance si-v' plêt !
🔊 Yes, of course 🔊 Awè, assûré çoula !
🔊 Thank you, the room is very nice 🔊 Mèrci. Li tchambe èst fwért bin.
🔊 OK, can I reserve for tonight? 🔊 C'èst bon, Pou-dju rézerver po cisse nut' ?
🔊 It's a bit too much for me, thank you 🔊 C'è-st-on pô trop tchîr por mi, mèrci
🔊 Could you take care of my luggage, please? 🔊 Vis polez-v' ocuper di mès baguadjes, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Where is my room, please? 🔊 Wice è-st-èle mi tchambe, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 It is on the first floor 🔊 Èlle è-st-å prumî plantchî
🔊 It is on the first floor 🔊 Èlle è-st-å prumîr ostèdje
🔊 Is there a lift? 🔊 N-a-t-i in-acinseûr ?
🔊 The elevator is on your left 🔊 L'acinseûr èst so vosse hintche
🔊 The elevator is on your right 🔊 L'acinseûr èst so vosse dreûte
🔊 Where is the laundry room, please? 🔊 Wice è-st-èle li blankih'rèye ?
🔊 It is on the ground floor 🔊 Èlle è-st-è låvå
🔊 Ground floor 🔊 Li låvå
🔊 Bedroom 🔊 Tchambe
🔊 Dry cleaner's 🔊 Sètch nètèdje
🔊 Hair salon 🔊 Amon l' cwèfeû
🔊 Car parking space 🔊 Parkin' po lès-ôtos
🔊 Let's meet in the meeting room? 🔊 Wice pou-dju trover ine såle po lès-assimblêyes ?
🔊 Meeting room 🔊 Li såle po lès-assimblêyes
🔊 The swimming pool is heated 🔊 Li picine èst tchåfêye
🔊 Swimming pool 🔊 Li picine
🔊 Please, wake me up at seven a.m. 🔊 Dispièrtez-m' a sèt' eûres, si-v' plêt
🔊 The key, please 🔊 Li clé si-v' plêt
🔊 The pass, please 🔊 Li pass si-v' plêt
🔊 Are there any messages for me? 🔊 N-a-ti dès mèssèdjes por mi ?
🔊 Yes, here you are 🔊 Awè, vo-lès-là
🔊 No, we didn't receive anything for you 🔊 
🔊 Where can I get some change? 🔊 Wice pou-dju fé dèl manôye ?
🔊 Please can you give me some change? 🔊 Mi polez-v' fé dèl manôye, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 We can make some for you, how much would you like? 🔊 Nos polans 'nnè fé. Kibin volez-v' candjî ?
15 - Looking for someone
English Walloon
🔊 Excuse me, is Sarah here? 🔊 Èst-ce qui Sarah èst là, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Excuse me, is Sarah here? 🔊 Sarah è-st-èle la, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Yes, she's here 🔊 Awè, èlle èst chal
🔊 She's out 🔊 Èlle a sôrtou
🔊 You can call her on her mobile phone 🔊 Vos l' polez hoûkî so s' tèlèfone
🔊 Do you know where I could find her? 🔊 Sèpez-v' wice qui dj'èl pôreû r'trover ?
🔊 She is at work 🔊 Èlle è-st-à l'ovrèdje
🔊 She is at home 🔊 Èlle è-st-è s' mohone
🔊 Excuse me, is Julien here? 🔊 Èst-ce qui Djulyin èst là, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Excuse me, is Julien here? 🔊 Djulyin è-st-i la, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Yes, he's here 🔊 Awè, il est chal
🔊 He's out 🔊 Il a sôrtou
🔊 Do you know where I could find him? 🔊 Sèpez-v' wice qui dj'èl pôreû trover ?
🔊 You can call him on his mobile phone 🔊 Vos l' polez hoûkî so s' tèlèfone
🔊 He is at work 🔊 Il è-st-à l'ovrèdje
🔊 He is at home 🔊 Il è-st-è s' mohone
16 - Beach
English Walloon
🔊 The beach 🔊 Li plâje
🔊 Do you know where I can buy a ball? 🔊 Sèpez-v' wice qui dji pou atch'ter on balon ?
🔊 There is a store in this direction 🔊 I-n-a-st-on botike tot la
🔊 a ball 🔊 On balon
🔊 Binoculars 🔊 Dès lunètes d'aproche
🔊 a cap 🔊 Ine calote
🔊 a towel 🔊 On drap
🔊 Sandals 🔊 Dès sandåles
🔊 a bucket 🔊 Sèyê
🔊 Suntan lotion 🔊 Crinme po l' solo
🔊 Swimming trunks 🔊 Caleçon po s' bagni
🔊 Sunglasses 🔊 Bèrikes di solo
🔊 Shellfish 🔊 Mosse
🔊 Sunbathing 🔊 Prinde on bagn di solo
🔊 Sunny 🔊 On tchôd solo
🔊 Sunset 🔊 Coûkant dè solo
🔊 Parasol 🔊 Parasol
🔊 Sun 🔊 Solo
🔊 Sunshade 🔊 Ombe
🔊 Sunstroke 🔊 Côp d' solo
🔊 Is it dangerous to swim here? 🔊 Èst-ce dandjereûs dè noyî chal ?
🔊 No, it is not dangerous 🔊 Nèni, ci n'èst nin djandj'reûs
🔊 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here 🔊 Awè, c'èst disfindou dè noyî chal
🔊 Swim 🔊 Noyî
🔊 Swimming 🔊 Noyèdje
🔊 Wave 🔊 Vague
🔊 Sea 🔊 Mér
🔊 Dune 🔊 Dune
🔊 Sand 🔊 Såvion
🔊 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🔊 Qué timps va-t-i fé d'min ?
🔊 The weather is going to change 🔊 Li timps va candjî
🔊 It is going to rain 🔊 I va ploûre
🔊 It will be sunny 🔊 I va aveûr dè solo
🔊 It will be very windy 🔊 I-n-årè bråmint dè vint
🔊 Swimming suit 🔊 Mayot
17 - In case of trouble
English Walloon
🔊 Can you help me, please? 🔊 Mi polez-v' diner on côp di spale, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 I'm lost 🔊 Dji so pièrdou
🔊 What would you like? 🔊 Qui volez-v' ?
🔊 What happened? 🔊 Qui s'a-t-i passé ?
🔊 Where could I find an interpreter? 🔊 Wice pou-dju trover in-interprète ?
🔊 Where is the nearest chemist's shop? 🔊 Wice troûve-t-on on farmacyin tot près ?
🔊 Can you call a doctor, please 🔊 Polez-v' hoûkî on docteûr, si-v' plêt ?
🔊 Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment? 🔊 Quénès drougues prindez-v' po l' moumint ?
🔊 a hospital 🔊 In-ospitå
🔊 a chemist's 🔊 ine farmacerèye
🔊 a doctor 🔊 on docteûr
🔊 Medical department 🔊 Chèrvice dè docteûr
🔊 I lost my papers 🔊 Dj'a pièrdou mès papîs
🔊 My papers have been stolen 🔊 Dji m'a fé haper mès papîs
🔊 Lost-property office 🔊 Burô dès-afêres pièrdous
🔊 First-aid station 🔊 Posse di sécoûrs
🔊 Emergency exit 🔊 Sôrtèye di sécoûrs
🔊 The police 🔊 Li police
🔊 Papers 🔊 Papîs
🔊 Money 🔊 Çans'
🔊 Passport 🔊 Passepôrt
🔊 Luggage 🔊 Bagadjes
🔊 I'm ok, thanks 🔊 C'èst bon, nèni mèrci
🔊 Leave me alone! 🔊 Lêhîz-m' è påye !
🔊 Leave me alone! 🔊 Lêhîz-m' tranquile
🔊 Go away! 🔊 Va-z-è !
🔊 Go away! 🔊 Va-s' arèdje ! Va-s' å diâle !

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